Earl Grey Tea 50g - Loose Leaf Tea
The Earl Grey blend, is assumed to be named after Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey, British Prime Minister in the 1830s and author of the Reform Bill of 1832. He reputedly received a gift, probably a diplomatic perquisite, of tea flavoured with bergamot oil, how delightful! Shipping Fee £0.80p [per tea pack]
Brew Tips
- Steep for 1 to 3 minutes
Black Tea - China, Bergamont Oil - Italy
Taste Notes
- A floral, sweet tasting tea with hints of orange
- Infuse in filtered or spring water that has been heated to 208 degrees or just below boiling point.
Wellbeing Benefits
- Calming
- Relaxing
- Harmony
Earl Grey Tea Latte
2 tea spoons of Cheeky Chai's Earl Grey Tea ¾ cup boiling water ¾ cup milk of choice* ½ to 1 tablespoon vanilla syrup, depending on desired sweetness** sprinkle of cinnamon
INSTRUCTIONS Add the Cheeky Chai Tea to a mug and pour in the boiling water. Let it steep for about 2 to 3 minutes. Meanwhile, add the milk to a small saucepan set over medium heat. Heat until just steaming (do not let the milk boil). Whisk the steamed milk until frothy before pouring it into the mug (or use a milk frother). I love a cheeky frothy Latte! Add the milk to the mug and stir in the vanilla syrup or sugar and Top with a sprinkle of cinnamon.
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