Balancing Tea Collection
A collection of 3 Teas (Red Berry, Rosehip & Hibiscus and Rooibos) that are packed full of goodness that will get you back on track! Rosehip & Hibiscus to help you feel hip and rosy!
Our delicious, fruity, Rosehip & Hibiscus Tea with dried hibiscus, rosehip, apple pieces and orange peel, will help you to feel rosy!
Rooibos Tea - Our glowing, rich tasting South African Rooibos Tea is a caffeine-free alternative to your everyday black tea.
Our Red Berry Tea is Berry Delicious and has cheeky notes of the dried hibiscus flower, rosehip, apple pieces and orange peel, it’s one of our most popular teas which is packed full of goodness and it's bursting with flavour.
Where it tends to be from
Rooibos - South Africa
Rosehip & Hibiscus - Nigeria (Hibiscus) and Chile (Rosehip)
Red Berry Tea - Nigeria (Hibiscus) and Chile (Rosehip), China (apple pieces) and Spain (orange peel
Any particular use
Rooibos Tea Our glowing, rich tasting South African Rooibos Tea is a caffeine-free alternative to your everyday black tea.
Rosehip & Hibiscus to help you feel hip and rosy! The scarlet Rosehip Berries of the wild rose have long been recognized as an excellence source of vitamin C.
Our Red Berry Tea is a Caffeine Free Tea that has great wellbeing benefits!

Red Berry Infusion 50g - Loose Leaf Tea
Red Berry Infusion 50g - Loose Leaf Tea

Rosehip and Hibiscus 50g - Loose Leaf Tea
Rosehip & Hibiscus A hip and rosy Tea!
Our delicious, fruity, Rosehip & Hibiscus Tea with dried hibiscus & rosehip.
Rosehip and Hibiscus 50g - Loose Leaf Tea

Balancing Tea Collection - Loose Leaf Tea Collection
Balancing Tea Collection - Loose Leaf Tea Collection

Rooibos Tea 50g - Loose Leaf Tea
Rooibos Tea 50g - Loose Leaf Tea